After spending over twenty years without the support of a mentor, and with no-one else to turn to, I knew I needed help with setting up and running care businesses. This is why I created Matriarch Training & Consultancy Services Care Business Systems so you would not have to undergo the same experience. I would like to see everyone living their highest vision, more time with family, loved ones and friends. I want to be of service to 40,000 people in the UK, who have decided to start a nursing care agency. My vision is to help people really live their passion, by;
Care staff will need to be trained, or have relevant training. For example, the Care Certificate provides a framework for good practice; for induction of staff across health and in social care settings. The Care Certificate underwent an independent review in February 2013. Known as The Cavendish Review, it was proposed that all health care assistants and social care support staff undergo the same basic training that already exists in the system, based on latest best practice.
Health Education England (HEE), Skills for Care (SFC) and Skills for Health (SFH) have developed the Care Certificate which contains fifteen separate standards and outlines for health and social care workers – including assistants within hospitals, care homes and people’s own homes. The all need to know about, and be able to deliver thoses standards of care in their daily jobs.
Nursing Care Management (NMC) revalidation will be the way in which nurses and midwives demonstrate to the NMC that they continue to practice safely and effectively, and can remain on the register. In order to revalidate, nurses will have to declare to the NMC that they are meeting the standards of the revised NMC code, receive confirmation that it is true, and be able to offer evidence which shows how this has been achieved.
There are two types of agency business to consider:
I,Christine Blackledge Crowle have been working as a transformational trainer for more than 30+ years and have mentored numerous individuals in discovering how to run a successful nursing agency and transforming their working lives. She is also a specialist in procurement-supply contract tendering.
This is placing staff into residential homes, nursing homes or other health organizations on an ad hoc basis, as and when required, in order to fill a short term staff shortage to cover staff sickness, holidays, etc… So just imagine you have ten agency workers available from your data week, in a week, then they work thirty hours a week. This is based on them working daily. This would provide with a regular monthly income of say £5,000+ a week profit, depending on staff being placed and percentages.
Clients pay you a percentage of annual salary of the staff members you have placed within the organization. For example: 20% of commission of the annual salary of £30,000, you commission would be £6,000. So imagine placing four a month plus your commission would be £24,000 a month.
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