Matriarch Training & Consultancy Care Services

Black Friday Care Bundle

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Agency / Homecare CQC Bundle - £599​

Start your own nursing agency

Start your own nursing care agency working from home. You do not need to register with the care quality commission also known as (CQC). Providing you are sending staff into nursing home, residential homes, private hospitals, NHS hospitals. Staff need to be experience, qualified and have necessary mandatory training up to date, DBS and are compliant. You will then be able to run a care agency. You need to ensure information is safe and register with the ICO.

We provide you with all the policies and procedures, over 24 hours’ worth of videos to watch and learn. 

How to Set Up a Domiciliary Care Service

Jason - Christine (26)

Starting up on your own can be a daunting task. But we will make the task much easier for you. With over twenty years of experience in running, managing and owning a domiciliary homecare agency (and a nursing agency), I understand the process of registration, policies and procedures you’ll need. I have contracted with government, the NHS, CCG’s and private care homes. I have turned over one million pounds of revenue a year, so rest assured you will get to know all the secrets of running a successful homecare agency. I am also able to see any pitfalls you may have when running this type of care business.

You will have to put in a lot of hard work though! You must meet certain criteria; you will need to meet the Care Quality Commission standards, together with considerable legislative obligations. Furthermore, you will need to have a considerable number of relevant policies and procedures in place in order to satisfy government regulators and inspection set out by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). If you are planning to run a health or adult social care service, providing care in individuals own homes, then you will need to register, with the Care Quality Commission. Apply as a new provider, registration normally takes 8-12 weeks

I offer over 24 hours of instructional videos, policies and procedure templates and guidance, on how to start a homecare business.

Agency / Adults – Elderly Care Home Bundle - £599

Jason - Christine (18)

Start your own nursing agency

Start your own nursing care agency working from home. You do not need to register with the care quality commission also known as (CQC). Providing you are sending staff into nursing home, residential homes, private hospitals, NHS hospitals. Staff need to be experience, qualified and have necessary mandatory training up to date, DBS and are compliant. You will then be able to run a care agency. You need to ensure information is safe and register with the ICO.

We provide you with all the policies and procedures, over 24 hours’ worth of videos to watch and learn. 

Start a care home

Jason - Christine (39)

We can offer the same service to you in the form of a series of videos; showing you how to source a small care home for 3 – 6 residents. It is up to you to decide on the specialisms to meet service user’s needs (for example, the elderly aged over 65, mental health, substance misuse). For just £999.00 you will get 6 DVD’s, manual with step by step instructions. Furthermore 30 days support online.

Supported Living / Home Care CQC Bundle - £599

Start your own nursing agency

Starting a supported living business can seem daunting. We are here to help you set up and run a supported living business. Supported living is to ensure you are able to provide a person-centred approach. Individuals living in the accommodation may need your support enabling individuals from older persons, mental health, physical, sensory, learning disabilities, autistic adults, care leavers, people fleeing domestic abuse, drug or alcohol misuse, ex-offenders. Helping vulnerable people live as independently as possible to live in their own homes and in the local community.

You will need to consider the following when opening a supported living business:

How to set up a domiciliary care service

Jason - Christine (36)

Welcome to our domiciliary set-up guide! In this article, we will discuss how to set up and run a UK-based domiciliary care agency. Starting up on your own can be a daunting task. But we will make the task much easier for you. With over twenty years of experience in running, managing and owning a domiciliary homecare agency (and a nursing agency), I understand the process of registration, policies and procedures you’ll need. I have contracted with government, the NHS, CCG’s and private care homes. I have turned over one million pounds of revenue a year, so rest assured you will get to know all the secrets of running a successful homecare agency. I am also able to see any pitfalls you may have when running this type of care business.

You will have to put in a lot of hard work though! You must meet certain criteria; you will need to meet the Care Quality Commission standards, together with considerable legislative obligations. Furthermore, you will need to have a considerable number of relevant policies and procedures in place in order to satisfy government regulators and inspection set out by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). If you are planning to run a health or adult social care service, providing care in individuals own homes, then you will need to register, with the Care Quality Commission. Apply as a new provider, registration normally takes 8-12 weeks

Supported Living / Agency bundle - £599

Welcome to our domiciliary set-up guide! In this article, we will discuss how to set up and run a UK-based domiciliary care agency. Starting up on your own can be a daunting task. But we will make the task much easier for you. With over twenty years of experience in running, managing and owning a domiciliary homecare agency (and a nursing agency), I understand the process of registration, policies and procedures you’ll need. I have contracted with government, the NHS, CCG’s and private care homes. I have turned over one million pounds of revenue a year, so rest assured you will get to know all the secrets of running a successful homecare agency. I am also able to see any pitfalls you may have when running this type of care business.

You will have to put in a lot of hard work though! You must meet certain criteria; you will need to meet the Care Quality Commission standards, together with considerable legislative obligations. Furthermore, you will need to have a considerable number of relevant policies and procedures in place in order to satisfy government regulators and inspection set out by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). If you are planning to run a health or adult social care service, providing care in individuals own homes, then you will need to register, with the Care Quality Commission. Apply as a new provider, registration normally takes 8-12 weeks

Children’s Care Home

Jason - Christine (33)
This is a highly regulated service and you will need to ensure that you employed qualified competent staff. The manager who will need to register with Ofsted needs to be able to show evidence and experience of working with children and managing the home. Ofsted have created a guide for individuals wanting to open a children’s home. Here is the link to the guide:
This can be costly to setup, due to paying for property and staff too. We would like to caution you if you are not experience in this field, and to try to understand your reasoning to setting up this particular type of service. Being aware of the current market conditions and the regulatory. Do your research into geographical location. Additionally being aware of the provider list, having to wait to apply to tender to become on the approved provider list.

Independent Foster Agency / Children’s Care Home Bundle £599

Setting up a foster agency is not an easy thing to do. We would like to caution individual providers of setting up a foster agency. This can also take 6 months or even more to register. The provider will need to have experience staff in this field. The manager needs to meet the criteria of experience of managing a foster agency. Independent foster agency providers and manager’s must meet key functions of an independent fostering agency are to recruit, assess, approve, train, supervise, support and review foster carers who care for children looked after by local authorities. It cannot undertake any of these functions before it is registered. In order to register, anyone who wishes to open an independent fostering agency must demonstrate how they meet a number of legal requirements and minimum standards for fostering services. Inspection can take between 7-12 months from application submitted. This is a guide to opening a foster agency:

In Summary , an independent fostering agency must have

Jason - Christine (35)

[1] The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011, Regulation 3(1);


Your transformation begins right here

Our ultimate goal is to help nursing agency startup organisations and care businesses to understand the aims and objectives of starting up, and to complete this vision by 2025.


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